Meet Debra

Hello!  I am glad you stopped by! I’d love to share a little about my life!  

I have many titles that I am proud of… wife, mother, first-time author…but the one I am most happy about is Child of the King!  

I enjoy photography and working on my photo farm.  My four favorite things are Jesus, coffee, cupcakes, and glitter.  I am a lover of vintage junk, anything that sparkles, and sharpies!  I pride myself in learning a new skill each year. I survive on God’s word and humor and I love when the two collide.

I am a Kansas girl at heart!  I was born and raised in Winfield…home to Bluegrass and Burger Station.  I love my Midwest roots and love to go home any chance I get!

My life has been full of adventure!! My family has moved 9 times and I have lived in 6 different states.   Moving often has allowed me to see this amazing country, deepen my prayer life, and meet many dear friends.  

My life was on track to be perfect until an unexpected phone call changed everything.  When my child came out as transgender, life as I knew it, would never be the same.  The days, weeks, and years that followed that announcement were full of uncertainty and fear as I watched the Christian values I instilled in my child, faded away.  

That announcement drove me to my knees, seeking God to heal all the brokenness I had.  I cried out for answers to so many questions … Did God hate me?  Did he hate my child?  Could I still love him?  Did I even have a place in the local church anymore? I had so many unanswered questions and I needed answers.

I spent the next six years seeking the only one that could heal my pain and put my broken pieces back together.  The beauty that has come out of this intense season of prayer was only from the Lord.  He took the ashes of my pain and turned them into my battle-cry… The prodigals are coming home.    

I hope this site encourages you to believe big  for your family and know that nothing is too hard for God!   


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